
Leadership is a state of mind, an attitude and a role that people of all walks of life portray. In organisational structures these roles are assumed to be fulfilled by managers.
LEADERSHIP IS NOT MANAGEMENT because both have very different objectives. Management roles are assigned, leadership roles are taken. If Pelé, Cruyff or Beckenbauer spoke, their teams listened, yet they were peers like all others. They took leadership, it was not assigned to them, albeit some became captain. You see this every day in most organisations.
LEADERSHIP provides clarity of purpose, a willingness to take and execute decisions whenever this is needed (regardless whether it is also popular), a commitment to the organisation’s success and a natural capability to initiate changes instead of undergoing them and managing changes.
MANAGEMENT is an assigned role, that comes with formal responsibilities to plan activities and deploy business, develop and orient staff, oversee execution and analyse results, often while minimising risks and achieving targets, typically set by someone else. It provides stability, continuity, feedback loops, tracking, application of professional methodologies and other such topics. Leaders often take risks, are disruptive and guided by essentials, instead of in-depth analysis.
LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT are very complementary at the management level, even if most are more one and less the other.

Organisations need different mixes over time and at different levels. Key is to know what your organisation needs and provides for. As an individual you need to know what you are good at and how to develop.
ATC helps you understand what leadership is, what its main drivers are, how you can assess to what extent these are well developed and how you could develop these further