Credit Analysis & Financial Statement Analysis

Credit Analysis

Credit analysis programmes are typically deployed for banks and credit organisations. They often incorporate their systems and templates: some are at the starting level, others develop the impact of the Basel rules, or IFRS, or how changes in working capital impact repayment capacity.

Financial Statements Analysis

Most commercial organisations publish accounts providing certain valuable information for clients, competitors and suppliers, not just for banks.

At different levels we help organisations use this information. Some examples can highlight this:

  • Franchise organisations can verify to what extent reported performance fits statuitary accounts (% bought elsewhere, capital base, liquidity, dividends paid, working capital positions, ...)
  • Clients can verify whether their key suppliers have solid financials or not and what this might mean
  • Suppliers can assess the credit risk
  • Many, including banks, look at the financials to spot business opportunities
  • For many commercial organisations it provides excellent levers to prospect (leasing, insurance, process equipment, ...)

For some customers we focus at the essentials, for others we provide more sophisticated programmes.

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