Knowledge Development

ATC covers three content areas in which it has specific expertise: finance, project management and strategy development. Knowledge development is mostly content driven, its approach is different from leadership and interpersonal development, concentrating on the application of knowledge, not skills.
FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND MODELLING are content areas ATC has been covering for over 15 years, for commercial organisations and financial institutions alike. The purpose can be different: credit analysis, optimising working capital positions, dealer assessments, the valuation of a business from an investor’s perspective or the requirement to develop a financial tool either to be used as a sales tool in commercial environments, or as an analytical tool for analysts or ‘lay-men’.
WINNING CONTRACTS UNDERSTANDING FINANCE is important if the CapEx implications are considerable. Manufacturers of capital goods may focus on the operational strengths they provide, or how they can differentiate their offering, but clients may be more interested in how to finance the deal: how to manage the investment CF, the financial CF, the operational CF and the WCN-CF. They are interested in the WC implications and how the investment affects their solvency and liquidity.
In other cases you may need to explain why your dealers gain from aligning their pricing policy to yours, the implications of the cost of complexity, or the impact of average costing. In each of these cases, understanding finance and interpreting reporting will help you secure the deal. In certain cases, using your financial clout to improve the bankability of your suppliers or clients has advantages for both.
STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT is rarely developed as a competency cluster, but some clients request this. In most cases clients request us to work with them and deploy the methodology in the company environment, developing strategies that can be tested and executed immediately.
Project Management
Project Management is an approach applied in a wide variety of situations. Which approach fits best depends to a large extent on the context. An R&D project is fundamentally different from building major waterworks or an IT project. All...
Credit Analysis and Financial Statement Analysis
Credit analysis programmes are typically deployed for banks and credit organisations. They often incorporate their systems and templates: some are at the starting level, others develop the impact of the Basel rules, or IFRS, or how...
Financial Modelling
Financial models represent the finanical consequences of actions taken in the business they represent. Our professionals have built models to assess new ventures (the largest such venture represented a USD 7 billion investment), ...
Working Capital
As part of Financial Statements Analysis and credit analysis we typically cover working capital and working capital needs analysis. However, whenever a business evolves (change of business model, significant investment, ...) the impact on WC...