Development Philosophy

Let us distinguish concept development from human development and focus on the latter in this section.

INDIVIDUALS AND TEAMS all have competencies, skills, knowledge, but equally values and attitudes. At ATC developing human capital is building on that foundation, not eradicating or replacing it.

ADULTS do not develop or learn as children do. Technically it is the difference between andragogy and pedagogy: adults want to understand how, what they know and use every day, fits in a new approach offered to them. They integrate new experiences with their own real life experiences, they do not just accept something because someone tells them. Children typically do.

COOPERATIVE development provides space to integrate what you already know, what you are able to do and what you discover. Depending on what it is you discover, the most suited methodology may be rather different, but it will always take into account where you came from. Why? Because adults move forward faster that way and will more willingly incorporate whatever is new. This is why older co-workers are often perceived as unwilling to change and unable to learn. They simply have more to integrate, but they can do it just the same.

METHODOLOGIES are important, but fully dependent on the situation. For instance, acquiring unknown content requires a different approach from understanding how your attitude may impact the degree to which others are willing to work with you. No one methodology is better, yet most are better than some others in specific situations.

CAN WE ALL DEVELOP? In most if not all cases, the answer is an unconditional yes. However, we can not all develop to the same level, we do not start from the same level either, we do not all move forward at the same speed and we do not have the same experiences. Hence the impact of development efforts are very different.

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